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Internationally respected speaker, trainer and Mentor, Larry Shaw:


  • Teaches individuals to mind their way to perennial success;

  • Coaches organizational leaders to build a more sustainable relationship and effectively communicate with those they lead; and

  • Inspire organizations to embrace change and failures as prerequisites of success.





"For Success To Be Mine, I Have To Know The Mind Of The Successful"



Larry is one of the most sought-after speakers and trainers in the fields of Youth empowerment, Self-education, Professional and personal goal setting, Leadership, Accountability and gender unity.  He has traveled to several counties, calls many states on the east coast home, and speaks three languages.


He produces his own debate show that educates and encourages communities.

Larry served as a District Manager for a top five preferred wireless carrier and draws from that experience.  In addition, he speaks from his own personal sales and leadership experience.  A former college football player, with over 17 years in sales with several fortune 500 companies, he consistently performed in the upper echelon at every position held.   


Larry delivers customized, audience-engaging, action-inspiring presentations, from keynotes and breakout workshops to synergizing conference and meeting sessions and motivational talks to full-day training sessions.

He looks forward to joining you in making your next event the best event!


Clients request Larry Shaw’s speaking services for the following reasons:

  • Larry builds a lasting relationship with his audience quickly. He customizes the message so that the participants have a personal take home that creates change.

  • Larry is an engaging and humorous professional speaker.

  • He delivers messages that inspire, inform, and stimulate the participants.

  • Larry offers fun and creative techniques along with candid stories to encourage positive perspectives that produce success.

  • He imparts user-friendly blueprints that enable immediate and lasting success.

  • Larry will inspire the audience to make immediate, intentional change.

Larry Shaw is a Social Entrepreneur. He aspires to inspire everyone he comes into contact with to increase their quality of life. Larry is known for his talented way of captivating his audiences through his written work and compelling presentations. He has the ability to help others live a life that exhibits the kind of success they’ve defined for themselves.

About Larry

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